SEE-2074 model Question of Social study ||||

SEE 2074 (2018)

(Group 'A')

  1. Write very short answer of the following questions.
  2. Write the name of any two tourist places that are located in your province.
  3. Write any two measures to end the social bad customs.
  4. Why do so many votes become invalid in each election of Nepal? Write your opinion in a sentence.
  5. Which symbols (index) are used to denote the following facts in the map?
  6. Mention any two reasons why most of Africans countries have low economic and social index.
  7. When was the first parliamentary election held in Nepal?
  8. Which one, in your opinion, is the major achievement of People's Movement, 2062/63 B.S.?

Group 'B'

  1. Write short answer of the following questions.
  2. Mention any four features of geographical region where you reside.
  3. Mention any four reasons why development projects in Nepal are not completed as the specified time.
  4. Skilled human resources help in economic development, how? Justify.
  5. Show the following data in Bar-graph.

Enrolment in grade 11, Academic Year 2073 (%)

  • (Stream) (Boys) (Girls)
  •  (Science)  (66) (34)
  •  (Management) (54)  (46)
  •  (Education)  (35) (65)
  •  (Humanities)  (45) (55)

  1. 'Historical/cultural Heritages in Nepal are the symbols of national identity.' Analyse with example.
  2. If you are going to sing a song representing Nepaliness, which song you prefer among modern, folk, pop, remix etc.? Mention any four reasons.
  3. Social problem obstructs social progress. Clarify with example.
  4. If you were given responsibility to end any social bad customs, present any four tasks that you would do.
  5. What roles do you have as a conscious citizen to conduct free and fair election? Write in four points.
  6. How does altitude affect climate? Explain briefly.
  7. Show the following historical events in a time line.

    (Date)                     (Events)
( (2069 B.S.)    (Constituent Assembly was dissolved)
(2070 B.S)       (Election of Constituent Assembly)
(2072 B.S.)      (Promulgation of Constitution of Nepal)
 (2074 B.S.)    (Election of Local level, Province and Federal Parliament)

  1. Write the positive impacts of tourists arrival in your community in four points.
  2. Write any four objectives of the UNO.
  3. Mention the measures to make the UN Specialized Agencies' function effective in Nepal.

Group 'C'

Write long answer of the following questions.

  1. Introduce judiciary. Explain in brief the functions of judiciary.
  2. Draw the outline map of Nepal and insert the following facts with appropriate index.         (Bhote Koshi), (Janaki Temple), (Chandragadhi),(Lake Tilicho)                                                       Or)                                                                                                                                             In the given map of world, insert the following facts.

 (Los Angles), (Hudson Bay), (River
Mississippi Sahara Desert,  (Madagascar),
 (Kalahari Desert),  (River Amazon),
(Brazilaian highland), (Pampas)

Compare between the first world war and second world war on the basis
of economic, social and other aspects.

You must have been to a religious/historical place as an educational tour.
Prepare a report on the basis of the following sub-titles.
Introduction/Title) –  (Objective)

  • Explain briefly the importance and challenges of foreign employment.