Symbol No.....................                                                                                               RE-PLS601
SEE 2074 (2018)
        Candidates are required to give their answer according to the given instructions.
Time: 1 hrs. 15 minutes Full Marks: 40
Group 'A'
Attempt any ten questions. 10x1=10
1. Define apiculture.
2. Write any two exotic honey bee species of Nepal.
3. Write the scientific name of any two exotic honey bee species in Nepal.
4. Write any two functions of worker bee.
5. Write any two diseases of bees.
6. Write any two varieties of mulberry recommended in Nepal.
7. Write any two major disease of mulberry.
8. Write any one importance of sericulture in Nepal.
9. Write the optimum soil PH for mulberry cultivation.
10. Define sorting.
11. What is cocoon?
12. Define silkworm.
13. Define dying.
Group 'B'
Attempt any five questions. 5x2=10
14. Enlist products of honey bee.
15. What is swarming? Write its control measure.
16. Write any four insects of mulberry.
17. Write short note on sapling production of mulberry.
18. Write any four characteristic of good cocoon.
19. Write short note on weaving.
20. Write any four materials used for silkworm production.
Group 'C'
Attempt any five questions. 5x4=20
21. Write the scope of beekeeping in Nepal.
22. Write about comb management of honey bee.
23. Write about pests and disease of bee.
24. Write the scope of sericulture in Nepal.
25. Write in detail about young age silkworm rearing.
26. What are the insects and disease of silkworm.